Women’s Clinics provide gynaecology and antenatal care for women.

What we do

There are two types of clinics, medically led clinics and midwife led clinics.

Our medically led clinics include Gynaecology, Obstetric, Family Planning, Choices, Cervical Screening, Colposcopy and Early Pregnancy Assessment.

Our midwife led clinics include our Assessments Centre and clinics for Midwives, Booking In, Mamta Caseload Midwifery, Lactation, Infant Massage classes and Childbirth Parenting Education classes.

How to access this clinic

*For Specialist Clinics appointments, including in Women’s and Children’s Services, only the patient can attend unless a carer is required.


You will need a referral letter from your GP or medical practitioner to access any medically led services in Women’s Clinics.

Your doctor will need to fax your referral letter to the Clinic. When your referral is received it will be reviewed by the consulting team and categorised based on clinical urgency.

We will then notify you of the outcome of the specialist review, what your clinical urgency category is, and the expected waiting time for your appointment.

While every attempt will be made to provide you with the earliest possible appointment time, the most urgent patients are given priority.

What to bring

  • Your appointment letter
  • Your Medicare card
  • A list of medications that you are currently taking
  • Any relevant test results or X-ray disks from services outside Bendigo Health
  • Any relevant cards (Health Care Card, Aged Pension, DVA)

For all antenatal or pregnancy appointments you must bring your hand held record (Victorian Medical Record or ‘VMR’) and pregnancy care booklet that you will have received at your first ‘booking in’ visit in pregnancy.

Your Appointment

Women’s Health Clinics are located on Level 3 in the Bendigo Hospital.

If you are seeing a midwife you may be seen in  the John Lindell Rehabilitation Unit building.

The Women’s Clinics in the Bendigo Hospital have an automated check-in system. You can either scan your appointment letter or Medicare card at the check-in kiosk to register your arrival. You will be directed to provide a contact mobile phone number. This will enable us to inform you via text message when your appointment is drawing near. Should you not have a mobile phone, buzzers are available from the reception desk.

Patients are seen strictly in order of appointment time, but we have concurrent clinics running at any given time so you may see others that arrive later seen before you. We do our best to run to time, however delays do occur and we therefore recommend that you allow at least two hours for your appointment. We do ask that you present back to reception if you have been waiting for more than one hour.

Women's Clinics automated check-in system

Support Services for New Parents

Mothers can contact a lactation consultant Monday-Friday (except Public Holidays) for up to six weeks post birth, on 03 5454 7293.

Lactation Hotline and Telehealth service for feeding support and advice is currently under development. Please keep checking the Bendigo Health website and Facebook page for ongoing information regarding the commencement date of these services.


Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA)
Chat online 4-10pm daily

ABA Breastfeeding helpline: 1800 686 268

YouTube: Bendigo Health Best Beginnings - Information regarding feeding Bendigo Health Best Beginnings - Sleep for infants up to three months of age

Raising Children Network

COVID-19 Information for Parents with Infants and Young Children

Head of Department

Dr Caetlyn Davis

Women's Clinics

Level 3, Bendigo Hospital


100 Barnard Street
Entry via Mercy Street, Bendigo, VIC, 3550


03 5454 7288

How to refer your patient

Bendigo Health Women’s clinic welcomes referrals for pregnancy care and for all gynaecological concerns.

Gynaecology referrals

We prefer eReferral via SeNT software. Alternatively a letter with required information can be faxed to 03 5454 7286.

Please ensure all required information is included as per the state referral guidelines and the Bendigo Health referral policy Gynaecology Clinic referral information. Referrals that do not include the required information will not be accepted until the referral is complete.

Referrals for Pregnancy Care

We prefer eReferral via SeNT software. Alternatively, the antenatal referral template can be accessed here. Please fax to 03 5454 7286.

 For access to eReferrals via SeNt, please refer to: SeNT access instructions

Public Fertility Care

Referrals for public fertility care are processed through the Royal Women's Hospital using this referral: Reproductive Services Referral Form

Please ensure the required investigations are included. More information: https://www.thewomens.org.au/patients-visitors/clinics-and-services/fertility-genetics/public-fertility-services


Clinical service overview

Important Note:

If your client is experiencing;

  • Excessive blood loss
  • Severe, debilitating abdominal or pelvic pain
  • Acute Bartholin’s abscess

Please send to the Emergency Department for urgent review.

Services not offered through Bendigo Health:

  • Reversal of Tubal Ligation

Medically led clinics



Clinical Resources

Gynaecology Clinic

Encompasses all aspects of female health primarily focusing on the reproductive organs.

Colposcopy Clinic

Follow up clinic for women with abnormal results on Cervical Screening Tests(CST), cervical abnormalities, post coital bleeding

Family Planning Clinic

To facilitate access to Mirena, Implanon insertion or tubal ligation

Choices Clinic

Surgical Termination of Pregnancy clinic for unwanted fertility        (Must be <12 weeks gestation at time of surgery)

Cervical Screening Service

Registered Nurse led Cervical Screening Service and follow up program for post colposcopy results


Early Pregnancy Assessment Service

Clinic for women who are miscarrying or experiencing pain and bleeding in early pregnancy (prior to booking in clinic)

Midwife led clinics

Booking in Clinic. Is the first point of contact to book in a pregnancy/ birth at Bendigo Health once a referral is received. This visit usually takes 1 hour. 

Booking in Clinic

The first point of contact to book in a pregnancy/ birth at Bendigo Health once a referral has been accepted. This visit usually takes one hour. Ph: 54547288

Pregnancy Assessment Clinic

The Assessments Clinic room has four treatment spaces, one bed and three reclining chairs, all with wall mounted CTG (cardiotocograph) monitors and vital signs monitors.

The Clinic is staffed by designated midwifery staff who work collaboratively with designated Obstetrics & Gynaecology (O&G) registrars/residents.

This clinic provides an area where a woman’s pregnancy can be assessed outside her regular antenatal appointment times. Women can be referred from smaller hospitals or can present with concerns. Ph 54547291

Midwives Clinic

Every women’s first hospital visit is conducted by a booking midwife who collates history to then be assessed by an Obstetrician.

Women assessed as having a Low Risk pregnancy can be cared for in the Midwives Clinic who follow the Bendigo Health Antenatal Care Schedule – Midwife Led Care Pathway (Gold Team)

Mamta Caseload Midwifery

Mamta is a modified caseload midwifery program, providing care for women and their families through pregnancy, labour and birth, postnatal care and home visiting.

The program provides care for women who are low risk at the time of booking in.

All women are given an application form at their booking in appointment and can self-refer. Selection is through an internal recruitment process. This is an equitable process that takes into consideration a number of factors to select the participants.

There is eight caseload midwives.

Lactation Clinic An outpatient clinic that women experiencing breast feeding difficulties can access for the first six weeks after the giving birth at Bendigo Health. Women can self-refer via Ph: 5454 7293
Childbirth Parenting Education classes A team of dedicated midwives, lactation consultants and physiotherapists who support families in making the transition to parenthood by sharing their knowledge and expertise and answering questions. This class includes a tour of the birthing rooms. A dedicated class with an interpreter is available for parents with a Karen culture background. This class is suitable for multiple pregnancies or those aiming to have a vaginal birth after a caesarean. Ph 54547285

Head of Department

Dr Caetlyn Davis

Women's Clinics

Level 3, Bendigo Hospital


100 Barnard Street
Entry via Mercy Street, Bendigo, VIC, 3550


03 5454 7288