Bendigo Health is committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of every individual. This is done so in accordance with relevant legislation, which is also reflected in our internal policies.
When you become a patient of Bendigo Health, a medical record is created. This includes information such as your name, contact details, information about your health condition and the treatment you are given. Every time you attend or have contact with Bendigo Health, new information is added to your record.
We collect personal and medical information in order to provide you with the best possible care and treatment. Your medical record allows those involved in your care to have a complete picture of your medical history.
Other uses may include:
Bendigo Health and its staff comply with strict privacy laws, policies and protocols relating to the collection, use, disclosure and storage of patient information.
It is a legal requirement to protect patient health information and comply with the Health Records Act 2001, as well as other relevant legislation relating to confidentiality and privacy.
All staff must adhere to the Health Privacy Principles detailed in the Health Records Act. This applies to all Bendigo Health staff, contractors, volunteers and students.
Only authorised personnel are allowed to access to your information.
We conduct routine checks and monitor access to make sure our privacy policies are followed.
If you are in hospital, we may tell your relatives and friends where you are and what your general condition is if they call or visit, unless you advise us not to.
We may need to share your information for your ongoing care. People who may need this information include:
Common types of information we securely share with other health professionals include:
There are times when Bendigo Health is required by law to release personal patient information.
Times like this can include:
My Health Record is an Australian Government initiative to provide a national digital health record. Your clinical information will be uploaded to your My Health Record, unless you opt out of the scheme.
We respect your right to refuse information being sent to your My Health Record. If you do not want us to upload information, you need to tell us at every attendance to hospital or you can choose to withdraw consent at a national level.
More information can be found at or by contacting the helpline on 1800 723 471
It is important your medical record contains your most up-to-date information. If your personal details are wrong or have changed, please let us know at your next visit.
Bendigo Health follow the Retention and Disposal guidelines as required by Public Record Office Victoria.
Health Information Services
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 5454 8312
If you have feedback about the management of your privacy, you can talk to any member of your treating team. Alternatively, you can contact our Patient Feedback Coordinator on 5454 9079.
There are also external organisations which assist with health care complaints.
Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC)
1300 006 842
Health Complaints Commissioner
1300 582 113
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
1800 951 822
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
1800 035 544
Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (MHWC)
1800 246 054
For more information on
Freedom of Information
More information and an application form can be found on the Bendigo Health website here
100 Barnard Street, Bendigo, VIC, 3550
03 5454 6000