ACAS conduct comprehensive assessments to determine eligibility for Australian Commonwealth funded services, including:
ACAS can support you with information about aged care services, referrals and coordination with health and community support services.
Our service is available to people 65 years and over or 50 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
We provide assessment for people who live in the local government areas of:
My Aged Care is the entry point into the Australian aged care system.
The Australian Government operates a My Aged Care phone line and website. You, your carer or representative can call the My Aged Care contact centre on 1800 200 422 for further information and referrals for assessment. Website:
If you are in hospital, the referral to ACAS will be made for you.
What can I expect at the assessment?
The ACAS assessment usually involves a visit by an ACAS clinician to your home, in hospital, or wherever you may be living.
The ACAS clinician will talk to you about your situation and work with you to decide on your goals that may include remaining at home with supports.
During this assessment:
My Aged Care is the entry point into the Australian aged care system. The Australian Government operates a My Aged Care telephone line and website.
Referring health professionals, clients or carers can call the My Aged Care contact centre on 1800 200 422 for further information and referrals for assessment.
ACAS conduct comprehensive assessments to determine eligibility for Australian Commonwealth funded services:
ACAS supports clients with information about aged care services, and referrals and coordination with health and community support services.